Interdental Toothbrush
A Proxabrush is an interdental (between the teeth) toothbrush that you may use to clean underneath and around your wires and braces. Use the Proxabrush gently to avoid damaging your wires. The Proxabrush will help you to clean your braces while maintaining healthy teeth and gums.
Antibacterial Mouthwash
Crest Pro Health, an antiseptic mouth rinse, will reduce inflammation to your gums and cheeks. Crest Pro Health helps to prevent infection and decrease irritation that may develop from your braces. Rinse your mouth with two teaspoons of Crest Pro Health (half a capful) for one minute and then spit it out. You may use Crest Pro Health up to four times daily following your schedule for brushing: after meals (or after school) and before bed. Crest Pro Health also contains fluoride, which helps prevent tooth decay while you are wearing braces by killing bacteria and replacing minerals in tooth enamel that have been exposed to harmful acids.
Cleaning Your Removable Appliance
Brush your removable appliance every day as a part of your regular brushing and flossing schedule. Because food particles and plaque can accumulate on your appliance just as they do on your teeth, soak the appliance daily. We recommend using Retainer Brite or Fizz Me dental cleansers, but a Polident, Efferdent or another denture-cleaning tablet works as well. Dissolve a tablet in a glass of tap water at room temperature and soak your appliance once every day. Your appliance will taste better, and you will prevent plaque and bacterial accumulation.