Chief Financial Officer
Read More about Catherine
Catherine has been working for Dr. Donato for 16 yrs. Of all the different phases of dentistry that she has worked in for the past 22 years, “Orthodontics is my favorite.” Catherine loves watching patient’s smiles being transformed and making them happy. She also enjoys the relationships we develop with our patients & families over the years of treatment. If you have questions regarding payment plans, flex plans, accounting and insurance she’s always available to answer them. Catherine is originally from Dublin, Ireland and has lived on Staten Island for 32 years with her husband and son. During her free time, they teach & play bagpipes as a family. Favorite quote: “May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.” (Old Irish Blessing)

Business Administrator
Read More about Vianisse
Vianisse, aka “V”, graduated from the University of Puerto Rico with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. With over 10 years of management experience, she joined our team in 2018 and her main goal is making your experience a positive one! Her attention to detail ensures that Orthodontic Specialist PC is constantly pushing to operate at the highest level for our patients and team. Vianisse enjoys interacting with both, our patients and parents, and building relationships based on trust and mutual respect. She describes working at Orthodontic Specialist PC as one of the most rewarding experiences, as she gets to witness our patient’s beautiful smiles and confidence boost at the end of treatment! She is originally from Puerto Rico and speaks fluent Spanish so when you are in the office don’t be shy to speak to her in Spanish. In her spare time, she values spending time with her family and looking into new fun and healthy recipes to make at home. One of her favorite Bible mottos is: “Trust the Lord with all your Heart and Lean not on your own Understanding”-Prov 3:5

Marketing Coordinator
Read More about Danielle
Danielle’s bio is coming soon!
Appointment Coordinator
Read More about Jenny
Jenny’s bio is coming soon!